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We’re on the rise

La Bakehouse Exquisite, based in Canberra, has been producing the finest gluten free bread since 2014.

A noble mission

At La Bakehouse Exquisite, we simply want to make great bread. Great gluten free, artisan-style bread. Many have tried before. And many have failed. But we’re a determined bunch of bakers.

We have been refining our golden and crusty recipe for years. The result is the finest quality gluten free bread. Made for cooks and chefs to enhance their menus, not detract from them.

Every time our bread is sent back to the chef with a comment that ‘I asked for gluten free’ and the chef replies, ‘It is gluten free’, we consider it mission accomplished.

Our bakery

There are NO gluten products used in our bakery. 

Our artisan breads are handmade so there may be an occasional variation in taste, size, shape and colour.

We guarantee all products are gluten free at the time they leave our bakery. It is the responsibility of the food service to ensure our product is not cross contaminated through incorrect storage or handling.